Last week AXA Switzerland revealed that they would begin to accept premium payment in bitcoin. This week, to continue with the theme, I was keen to share an article from Oxbow partners that delves into the cryptocurrency space for (re)insurers, a world they have been slow to mine opportunities in. You can also read more on the difficulties facing insurers in pricing crypto policies and what challenges non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are bringing to the table. As usual, there is a podcast recommendation for you, as well as some insight regarding semi-autonomous vehicles and claims.
Cryptocurrency and Insurance (Source: Oxbow Partners)
This article from Oxbow Partners gives a solid overview of the crypto industry and the three key areas a (re)insurer can benefit from being involved.
Insurers have not yet embraced cryptocurrency craze despite demand (Source: Insurance Journal)
The demand for cryptocurrency insurance is skyrocketing but it seems insurers are faced with a number of dilemmas.
Guide to insurance on cryptocurrency (Source: Insurance Thought Leadership)
A comprehensive guide on what is happening insurance wise in the cryptocurrency world.
Reinventing Finance Podcast ft Sabine VanderLinden, the Insurtech Queen (Source: Kasko)
Our friends at Kasko have grabbed some time with Sabine VanderLinden, CEO of Alchemy Crew (who featured in the WSJ podcast I shared last week), to discuss topics such as ‘what insurers can learn from subscription, circular and ecosystem models’, ‘how to tap into the trend of digital nomads’ and ‘the difference between innovation and digital transformation’.
Semi-autonomous vehicles are good news for claims exposure (Source: Insurance Times)
The evolution of semi-autonomous vehicles can help insurers in pricing risks and with claims repair costs, if they work hand-in-hand with the manufacturers and by leveraging the data available from the advanced driving systems.
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