

Weekly News RoundUP – 24th January

A new report explores the “key factors shaping the future of underwriting” including alternative capacity, AI and data. A letter from the FCA to Sir Keir Starmer outlines the regulator’s commitment to making growth a cornerstone of its strategy through 2030 and details plans to remove “unnecessary regulations”. Research from the World Economic Forum examines the biggest global risks for 2025.

Top Ten Underwriting Trends for 2025 – Send Report (Source: Send)
A new report by Send delves into the ‘Top 10 Underwriting Trends for 2025’. In it OneAdvent CEO, Tim Quayle, shares his thoughts on the “explosion in alternative capacity” and the potential impact these new business models have on MGAs and participants in the value chain.

VIEWPOINT: FCA’s letter to the PM (Source: OneAdvent)
FCA CEO Nikhil Rathi has set out a new approach “to ensure regulators and regulations support growth” in a letter to the PM. OneAdvent’s head of compliance and risk, Richard Palmer, responds to the regulator’s correspondence.

WEF: ‘Escalating environmental, geopolitical, social, technology challenges (Source: Global Reinsurance)
In the 20th edition of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Report, state-based armed conflict has been flagged as the biggest immediate threat, closely followed by extreme weather events and geoeconomic confrontation.

Lloyd’s London Bridge investment platform hits capital deployment of $1.92bn in 2024 (Source: Reinsurance News)
The London Bridge platform has hit a capital deployment milestone. Burkhard Keese, Lloyd’s CFO, commented, “Making the Lloyd’s market more attractive and accessible to institutional investors continues to be a strategic priority for Lloyd’s”.

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