

Weekly News Roundup – 09th April

Easter flew by with 4 seasons in one day, as is the norm, and with its departure came the much anticipated underwriter rankings list from Gracechurch, some fantastic viewpoints on the digital ecosystems in insurance and a new report highlighting the ever growing importance of usage-based insurance. Now grab yourself some of those leftover chocolate eggs (sadly, none still exist in our household) and take a break to catch up on this week’s news.

London’s leading underwriter rankings revealed in new survey (Source: The Insurer)
Gracechurch’s annual benchmarking report ranks nearly 800 individuals and identifies the key characteristics that define leading underwriters.

Want some insurance with that? (Source: Insurance Thought Leadership)
Some interesting insight in this article from Capgemini discussing how insurance is becoming the ‘French fries in the meal deal’. Understand how the third digital wave of bundling insurance with other goods and services will impact the way companies do business.

How insurers can act on the opportunity of digital ecosystems (Source: McKinsey)
Touching on a similar vein as the Capgemini piece, McKinsey explore the role of big tech and the three key steps insurers need to take.

Usage-based insurance to become standard soon, says research (Source: Insurance Business Magazine)
I don’t think any of us would be surprised to see this headline, especially regarding the motor insurance industry. Take a look at the stats from this report.

Webinar: How to transform your operational model using data and technology (Source: MGAA)
Data and how it is leveraged will be key to the survival of MGAs. This webinar is set to explore how data supports the value proposition and key steps to enhance your business’ digital strategy.

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